Cataloged in Cine Chile:

Composer and Musical Director of the audiovisual experimental laboratory RESONANCIAS
2020-2021 (Antofagasta - Chile)
Written and directed by Claudio Merlet and Alejandra Rojas for the Colectivo Primate for the Internacional Festival Identidades.
20 Mujeres en Bolivia
Composer of the Short Cut Documentary MUJERES DE BOLIVIA
2008-2018 (La Paz - Bolivia)
For the Director Erick Aeschlimann, Photography Miguel Marchand and Production Pablo Cortes and Alex Cea. Producer Company Sofía Films.
21 Razones
2017 (Antofagasta - Chile)
For the director Ariel Vásquez "Razones para No Morir Triste" is an adaptation of  "Seis Historias Cortas", from the novel written by Víctor Bórquez Núñez.
22 Maestranza Chinchorro
Composer of the Documentary MAESTRANZA CHINCHORRO
2016 (Arica - Chile)
For the archaeologist and documentalist Andrea Chamorro.
A proyect of Explora – Conicyt whit the support of The University of Tarapacá, The Laboratory of Analysis and Archaeometric Investigations (LAIA) And the Man in the Desert Research Center (CIHDE).
23 Vida Humana
Composer of the Web Documentary VIDA HUMANA EN EL DESIERTO
2015 (Arica - Chile)
For the archaeologist and documentalist Andrea Chamorro.
A proyect of Explora – Conicyt whit the support of The University of Tarapacá, The Laboratory of Analysis and Archaeometric Investigations (LAIA) And the Man in the Desert Research Center (CIHDE)
24 Arquéologas
2014 (Arica - Chile)
For Juan Pablo Donoso, Andrea Chamorro and Erick Aeschlimann.  A proyect of Explora - Conicyt. For the Producer Companies Sofía Films and Aguacolla Films. Whit the support of the Institute of Archaeological Research and Museum R.P. Gustavo Le Paige S.J.


Cataloged in Música Teatral:

Composer of the audiovisual project ALMAGESTO, LA LUZ DE LAS ESTRELLAS
2020-2021 (Antofagasta - Chile)
For the Vitebolic theater company Directed and written by Pamela Meneses Season: Santiago a Mil enero-febrero 2021
25 La Rebelión de los TV
Composer of the theatral play LA REBELIÓN DE LOS TELEVISORES
June 2015 (Santiago de Chile)
For the theater company Grupo de Operaciones Escénicas, Teatro Lucila directed and written by Ronald Cortéz
Festivals: International Festival Teatro Zicosur
Season: Italia Theater may-june 2015
26 Sr de las Moscas
Composer of the theatral play EL SEÑOR DE LAS MOSCAS
October 2015 (Antofagasta - Chile)
For the theater company Balmaceda Arte Joven Directed and written by Pamela Meneses Season: Balmaceda Arte Joven Santiago-Antofagasta june-july 2014
27 Trabajo
Composer of the theatral play TRABAJO
February 2012 - June 2013 (Antofagasta - Santiago de Chile) For the theater company Grupo de Operaciones Escénicas, Teatro Lucila
Directed and written by Ronald Cortéz.- Whit the support of Fondart
Seasons: Sidarte, Asociación de Actores de Chile, Colectivo de Arte la Vitrina
Presentations: Cultural Center del Bosque, Casona Nemesio Antúnez de la Reina, CEAT Recoleta, Cultural House of Talagante, Matta Space Festivals: International Festival Teatro Zicosur
28 Chilele
Composer of the theatral play CHILELÉ
March - June 2012 (Antofagasta - Chile)
For the theater company Balmaceda Arte Joven
Directed and written by Pamela Meneses
Seasons: Balmaceda Arte Joven
29 Chajnantor
Composer of the theatral play CHAJNANTOR, MIRAR HACIA ATRÁS
December 2010 - June 2011 (Antofagasta - Santiago de Chile) For the theater company La Huella Teatro Written by Amarilis Rojas, directed by Alejandra Rojas
Season: Municipal theater of Antofagasta, Cultural center Ex -Cárcel de Valparaíso, Theater Bellas Artes de Santiago de Chile, Cultural Center Matucana 100
Festivals: International Festival Teatro Zicosur, FITAM Teatro a Mil Fundation
30 Fuente Ovejuna
Composer of the theatral play FUENTE OVEJUNA S.A.
March – June 2011 (Antofagasta - Santiago de Chile)
By Félix Lope de Vega for the Artistic Collective La Sicaria
Realization and adaptation by Jesús Codina Oria. Whit the support of Teatro Conteiner and Fondart
Season: Cultural Center Matucana 100
31 Carabinero
Composer of the theatral play CARABINERO
October – December 2011 (Antofagasta - Chile)
Directed and written by Paola Lattus Ramos for the theater company Arlequín
Season: Balmaceda Arte Joven Antofagasta
31 Chilombiano
Composer of the theatral play CHILOMBIANO
August - October 2011 (Antofagasta - Chile)
Directed and written by Pamela Meneses for the theater company Balmaceda Arte Joven
Season: Balmaceda Arte Joven Antofagasta
32 Fatamorgana
Composer of the theatral play FATAMORGANA DE AMOR CON BANDA DE MÚSICA
June - December 2010 (Antofagasta - Chile)
Directed by Alberto Olguín Durán, Based on the writer's novel Hernán Rivera Letelier. for the theater company of the University of Antofagasta Pedro de la Barra Season: Teatro Pedro de la Barra Festivals: International Festival Teatro Zicosur, FITAM Teatro a Mil Fundation, International Festival of Theater Temporales Teatrales de Puerto Montt
33 Atacama Post Teatro
Composer of the theatral play ATACAMA-POST-TEATRO
March - June 2010 (Antofagasta - Chile)
Original play by Abel Carrizo Muñoz for the theaterl company of the Universidad de Antofagasta Pedro de la Barra
Season: Teatro Pedro de la Barra
34 Telaraña
Composer of the theatral play TELARAÑA
June - December 2010 (Antofagasta - Chile)
Adaptation of “Le Malenetndu” by Albert Camus. Adaptation and realization by Cristian Marambio for the theater company Arlequín
Season: Arlequín Theater
35 Peso Pluma
Composer of the theatral play PESO PLUMA
March - June 2010 (Antofagasta - Chile)
Written by Amarilis Rojas, directed by Alejandra Rojas for the theater company La Huella Teatro
Season: San Pedro de Atacama, Calama, Antofagasta
36 Paralelo 24
Composer of the theatral play PARALELO 24, MARGINADOS
March- december 2009 (Antofagasta - Chile)
Written by Daniel Lattus Ramos, directed by Marcelo Salinas for the artistical collective La Sicaria. Whit the support of Teatro Conteiner y Fondart
Season: Puerto de Antofagasta
Festivals: International Festival Teatro Zicosur
Presentations: Ilustre Municipalidad de Sierra Gorda
37 Open Market
Composer, Musical Director and Interpreter of the play OPEN MARQUET, RÉQUIEM PARA SAXOFÓN, CONTRABAJO Y ELECTRÓNICA
December 2008 - June 2009 (Antofagasta - Chile)
Fort he artistical collective La Sicaria
Season: Teatro Pedro de la Barra
38 Xi Wang
Musician on stage for the play XI WAN - LA OTRA PATRIA
March 2008 - December 2011 (Chile) For the theater company La Huella Teatro
Written by Gustavo Meza (National Price of Art), directed by Alejandra Rojas. Whit the support of Fondart Bicentenario
Season: Teatro Municipal de Antofagasta, Teatro Municipal de Calama, Teatr Bellas Artes Santiago de Chile, Teatro Municipal de Vallenar, Teatro Municipal de Ovalle, Teatro Municipal de San Pedro de Atacama, Teatro Municipal de Vicuña, Teatro Municipal de La Serena, Teatro Municipal de Coquimbo, Teatro Municipal de Iquique
Festivals: International Festival Teatro Zicosur, FITAM Teatro a Mil Fundation
Presentations: Sierra Gorda, Toconao, San Pedro de Atacama
39 Bitchakma
Composer of the theatral play BITCHAKMA O EL VIAJE AL MAR
September - December 2007 (Antofagasta - Chile)
Written by Amarilis Rojas, directed by Alejandra Rojas for the company La Huella Teatro
Festivals: International Festival Teatro Zicosur, FITAM Teatro a Mil Fundation
Presentations: San Pedro de Atacama, Toconao, Talabre, Peine, Antofagasta
Composer for the LP Objetos Musicais - Homage to Walter Smetak
Objetos Musicais is a collection of 13 sound pieces created by artists from South America and Switzerland, who work in an intermediate zone among the craft of luthiers, visual arts and experimental music. Their works evoke the visionary ideas of Walter Smetak, a Swiss composer who lived in Salvador, Bahia (Brazil). Smetak was a pioneer of musical experimentation in that country and developed, in the 60s and 70s, a musical poetics that was captured in two seminal albums, Smetak (1974) and Interregno (1980), both of which, after being out of print for a long time, have been reissued today, hence the motivation for this tribute. On those two albums, Smetak combined Afro-Brazilian ritual traditions, theosophy, microtonality studies, collective improvisation and the use of unconventional musical instruments, which he called Plasticas Sonoras. Smetak came to build around 150 acoustic instruments, many of which are true sound sculptures of great visual impact. This latter aspect is the most directly evoked one on this album—and it so happens that the Smetakian spirit tunes in with a new community of contemporary artists, who relate to the work of the so-called "experimental luthiers", artists who build their own instruments (Marco Scarassatti, Philipp Läng, Maria Anália), lead them towards radical extended versions (Rubén D'Hers, Claudio Merlet), develop hybrid projects involving instruments and sound sculpture (Javier Bustos, Álvaro Icaza and Verónica Luyo, Juan Pablo Egúsquiza, Edgardo Rudnitzky) or take the exploration towards the building of resonant machines (Nicole L'Huillier, Zimoun, Cod.Act, O Grivo), without these categories being mutually exclusive, but rather tending to mix, thereby opening up new sonic possibilities.

This new community of artists has begun to create a whole new field of research and, in a way, a new discipline, understandable within the context of this new paradigm opened by the maker culture, which has pushed creators and developers from all over the world to conceive alternative—anti-hegemonic and DIY—forms of production. Therefore, this collection allows the artists to evoke Walter Smetak but also to connect his work to this new scene—to which it precedes—a link for this new art that makes its way at some point among the work of experimental luthiers, sound art, experimental music and the DIY ethics.
Producer, Composer and Sound Ingeneer of the LP KATARI
January - September 2020
Electroacoustic, drone, ambient and experimental work published under the name of the composer Published in Chile by Sello Modular
Producer, Composer and Sound Ingeneer of the EP JARDÍN
March - November 2012
Experimental work of the proyect MORTINATO. Published in Chile by Yakana Rx.
Producer, Composer and Sound Ingeneer of the LP DESCENSO
March - November 2008
Electroacoustic work of the proyect ELEFANCIA. Published in México by Dog-Eared-Records. Published in Chile by Yakana Rx
Other publications; German Radio NTNS compilation, for AM/PM album.
Festivals: International Sound Art Festival  Tsonami 2010, Argentina.

Cataloged in

Available in Discogs:

Director of the sound installation  SOLESTA
September - October 2018 (Recife - Brazil) Residence (Entre) Lugares Sonoros whit the support of IBERMÚSICAS. Show Case and Concert: Portomidia
Director and Composer of the audiovisual installation JARDÍN
January 2011- June 2012 (Antofagasta - Santiago de Chile) Whit the support of GAM, Cultural Center Gabriela Mistral and Biblioteca Viva Seasons: GAM, Cultural Center Gabriela Mistral-Biblioteca Viva Antofagasta Festivals: International Festival Teatro Zicosur
March 2020
(Madrid - Spain)
49 Entre Lugares
September - October 2018 (Recife - Brazil)
50 Etopia
February 2017 (Zaragoza - Spain)
October - November 2013 (Santiago - Chile)